The CARAMEL project addresses innovative approaches for the efficient recycling of lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) based on new technology, involving a hybrid heating process, hydro-metallurgical treatment with organic acids, upscaling and technical, environmental, and sustainability assessment.

After battery sorting and pretreatment, the battery recycling will take place through a process made on the black mass. Experiments for MW treatment of black mass will be conducted in a prototype-scale furnace. Based on the project requirements, the furnace will be designed and optimized.

Preliminary steps

The project was developped thank to the preliminary support of a proof-of-concept activity, and the Tech4lib project. For the project basic visit this link

Expertise areas

CARAMEL involves several area of expertise


Chemistry fields (mainly green chemistry, analytical chemistry)

Area 2

Engeneering (mainly mechanical, industrial, and environmental engineering)

Area 3

Physics (mainly electromagnetic fields)

Area 4

Material science

Area 5

Sustainability expertize

The Black Mass is the spent lithium-ion battery waste that is treated in the recovery process. Black Mass is a term used in the battery recycling industry to describe the output of the process of liberating and concentrating battery-active materials.

“L’essentiel est invisible pour les yeux”

Chemistry for Technology Laboratory
